Friday, June 5, 2009

June 5, 2009

We had so much fun at Sports Day!

We hopped in sacks and kicked things and threw things and ran with things and danced. We cheered for our team and for other people, too.

We were really excited when the ribbons arrived after the very last minute had already passed. We cleaned up the playground really well and even tidied the classroom before we left.

We were good sports, which is the main thing.


  1. Hi Miss Owen, it's Marlis from Bali. I just finished reading all your blogs, and it sounds like you have had a great year so far. I need to ask you a few things about the up-coming school year. Could you please post your email address so that I can email you. Sorry if it is already somewhere on this website and I missed it :) Say hello to your class for us...Kaliya sure misses you guys!

  2. I'm sorry to be so long getting back to you. I haven't been checking for messages. I hope you get this in time.

    Spammers can scrape email addresses from sites and blogs, so I'll give you my address in a way they aren't likely to be able to use. I think you'll be able to put it together properly.

    aowen AT

    As we remember the year, the kids are talking about Kaliya and remembering the times they had with her.
