Tuesday, September 16, 2008

September 16

A thermometer is a wonderful tool for Grade One students. I'm not talking digital thermometer, here. I'm talking about the thermometer with the red line that goes up and down with the changing temperatures.

We will be checking and recording the temperature throughout the day for the next three days. If you have an outdoor thermometer at home, check it with your child.

Some children in Grade One can read the numbers. Others will simply be able to tell if the line is rising or falling. In September, either is fine.

If your child is interested in daily weather forecasts, check out the school weather forecast by the weather network at http://www.theweathernetwork.com/schools/CABCPOI2150456/cabc0113

If your child is awake either later in the evening or early in the morning, enjoy the full moon together. Then watch as it changes over the coming weeks. This is easier in December when days are shorter, but we are discussing this now, so take advantage if you can.

Miss Owen

1 comment:

  1. It is nice to see a parent commenting on your suggestions. Keep up the great work!
