Monday, September 15, 2008

September 15

If you ask, "What did you do in school today?" or, "What did you learn in school today?" you will probably get the stock kid answer, "I don't know," or, "Nothing."

To get better answers, try asking for something specific. Here are some conversation starters that might work for you:

"Which friends did you play with today?"

"Tell me something fun you did."

"Tell me about a story you heard today."

"What is your favorite part of the playground?"

"What did you eat first in your lunch?"

"Which crayon did you use the most today? What did you colour with it?"

"What did you do in choice time today?"

"What do you think I (your grandma, your dog, your stuffy, etc.) would like most in your classroom? Why?"

"Tell me about a game you played today."

"Did you work with your scissors today? What did your scissors do?"

"What made you feel really proud today?"

"What made you laugh today?"

"What did you pretend today?"

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