Thursday, April 8, 2010

April 7, 2009


We have a Math star in our hallway. The stars hang in the hallway outside our classroom and celebrate those students who can answer all the addition facts to 18 in three minutes. We are looking forward to a whole universe of stars over the next weeks.

Our computer Dreambox lessons are finished. Right now we have lots of enthusiasm for worksheets full of Math facts. Of course, that's not all we want to do in Math, but for now, we are enjoying the practice and the sense of being able to do harder and harder questions.

We are also practicing our skipping skills. As temperatures rise outside, skipping is a great activity to build strong bones and a healthy cardiovascular system.

Does your child have a skipping rope?


  1. Sounds like you are working hard at school! Hope your hallway gets filled with lots of stars! We are skipping too. Are you doing Jump Rope for Heart

    Mrs Soltau-Hellers's Grade 1/2 Class

  2. Yes, we did Jump Rope for Heart. Some children in our class won several prizes. We all learned to skip better.
