Thursday, March 25, 2010

March 25, 2010

We have a Talent Show coming up at Gibsons Elementary. Some students have already asked to take home a permission form. Since this is voluntary, asking for the form is the responsibility of the students.

The next responsibility is to return the form by the end of the school day on March 30. No late entries will be accepted this year.

Talk with your child to see if he or she would like to participate. If so, be sure the form is filled in and returned by Tuesday next week.

We had a great first day at the pool! Thanks so much to Shirley Waite for the oranges at the end of the swim!

March 24, 2010

Our swimming days are the next 5 Thursdays: March 25, April 1, 8, 15, and 22. Please be sure your child has appropriate clothing for walking to the pool. And of course send a swim suit and towel.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 17, 2010

Thank you to everyone who returned the form for the swimming pool. To the rest, please return that form as soon as possible. This is a relatively new requirement for us, and I have to get the forms to the pool BEFORE we go for our lessons.

You will be getting a second form about swimming. It's the one that gives us permission to take your child off the school grounds. Our dates for swimming are Thursdays March 25, April 1, 8, 15, and 22. It would be great if you could come with us.

We have a new seating plan and in response to our class meeting, we are earning points by getting our work done. We can earn extra points for working quietly and for doing other things that make our classroom a better place. So far, the response has been positive.

An area where many children can use help is with basic Math facts to 18. I know many of you are working on this at home. Thank you.

Monday, March 15, 2010

March 15, 2010

Daylight Savings Time seemed to get the better of many children. When we started our day, 11 children were missing from their desks.

Good job to all who got to school on time today!

This afternoon we had a class meeting to think of ways to make our classroom better. After much discussion and a vote using stickers, we chose two things:
1. Get a pet, preferably a rabbit.
2. Have a hot tub put into the classroom.

We followed up that decision making with some problem solving activities.

We found out that if we want a pet, someone needs to take responsibility for the pet at the end of June. We also have to get some money to buy the things the pet will need.

We found out that putting in a hot tub would take too much work to be finished before the time everyone moves on to the next year. We also have to get more money than we can imagine, and we have to get permission from the people in charge of the school building.

We are going to find out if there are ways we can solve these problems.

In the mean time, we can do some of the other things that were also on our list, things like getting points for being quiet, putting up decorations for Easter, and moving our desks into a new configuration.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 3, 2010

Not only did we have parents in to see our work today, but we also got a new Math manipulative.

It's called a rekenrek. (And two of them wrecked right away. James' Nona was here and she helped to repair them, but they still need more glue.)

Today we used our rekenreks to think about doubles plus one, which is what we have been working on in Math. The rekenreks help us to see the numbers in new ways. After we've used them a lot, we should be much better at our mental math.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 2

I had a message to glue into the planners today, and I forgot to put it out. Here is what it said:

My huge apologies! I had the wrong dismissal time for Tuesday and Wednesday. It is 1:35, not 1:45.

I am about to begin phoning everyone to be sure you get the message. If I don't reach you, I hope you are reading this.

I'll see you tomorrow with your child.