Friday, December 4, 2009

December 3, 2009

You should have received tail lights in the planner by now. These have a peel and stick backing. To be really secure, they will need some stitching as well.

We will not have spats, so apart from noses, we are all set--

And the noses have to be put on that night in the classroom, so we are all set.

Plan to come early enough to find a place to park and to get your child into the classroom in time to have a nose applied. One strategy would be to park, get into the gym and reserve yourself a seat by putting something on it, and then bringing your child down to the classroom. Once your child is in the room, you can go and hang onto your seat. I'll send a list of who will be where on the stage later so you can sit where you can see your child best.

At this time, during the choir numbers, our class is on the right as you face the stage. I'll let you know if that changes. Every year we struggle to find a way to make every child visible to the whole audience when the choir sings. We've never been fully successful. What we can do, is tell you that the singing is fabulous! For a young choir that has not had much time to practice, your children are amazing! This is, without a doubt, the best group singing from the primary children I've heard at Gibsons Elementary, and I've been here a while.


  1. Tail lights? Does that mean I attack to the back of the pants near the bum? Sorry I an confused:(
